Sunday, December 02, 2007

Listening to the news from Venezuela, I wonder if I'm hearing all the news, from enough sides to form my own informed opinion. Likely not, but I won't let that stop me from commenting on what little I do think I know. If we waited until we knew enough to speak intelligently with no fear of contradiction or reconsideration, there would be no cable news or talk radio :)
Sounds like Hugo Chavez is clearly making a play for power. However it seems he is asking the citizens to change the system to his advantage. In other words, he is playing by the rules, using the system to change the system. Whether this is a good thing or not is not what I'm focusing on here. If in fact, the citizens willingly choose to surrender their rights, and essentially pledge legal fealty to 'the leader' (what's the word in... um... German?), I suppose they have the right to surrender their rights. Isn't that the irony of democracy? ...that it's a value-neutral tool that is only as good or bad as the citizens who avail themselves of it?
That's what has me so depressed. Everywhere I look, I see people who will gladly trade away their hard-fought birthrights for magic beans or shiny stones. The fact that we will be cursed (and rightly so) by future generations, who will have to re-fight the battles our own ancestors already won, is of no concern to the short sighted, greedy, lazy people who see their citizenship as a bunch or rights, and are oblivious to the concurrent responsibilities.
I think it was Dwight Eisenhower who said (from personal experience) 'the price of liberty is eternal vigilance'. While these things may seem to be 'inherent human rights', they should not be taken for granted, since the briefest look at human history shows that these 'rights' seldom exist without a struggle.
It's amusing that most of the role models I see for what might be called basic human rights are people who used to be called Republican. Though judging by actions, rather than labels, clearly separate people like trust-buster Theodore Roosevelt, and the guy who warned us of unsavory collusion of Industry Military & opportunistic government decisionmakers, was a General who saw it all too clearly as he helped lead the fight against the German Nazis & Italian Fascists.
I have little doubt that these courageous, thoughtful, citizens would spin in their graves if they knew what was going on in the country they devoted so much of their lives to... as would Harry Truman, who led the Senate investigation into war profiteering.
However, if the citizens truly have bought the con and allowed themselves to be swindled, then we deserve whatever we brought upon ourselves. If however, our failing is not noticing that we were robbed, by people who couldn't win by using the system against itself, and instead 'gamed' the system to achieve their goals, then our failure is a lack of righteous indignation at the fact that we were robbed. Whether it's a pickpocket, or corrupt officials, if you're robbed and you passively accept it, then it's your own damn fault. So quit whining or stand up and demand what was stolen from you while you still can. Whatever hasn't already been squandered that is.


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Woke up to learn the Red Sox pushed the ALCS to a 7th game. While they permanently scarred my tender young heart in '67 and on through the 80s, I wish them nothing but success. They always make the post season interesting. I wish I hadn't been emotionally detached by the 2004 - though actually I had been building up protective scartissue since the 80s . Maybe being a Sox fan was good preparation for other aspects of life... like romance... and politics :) Oh sports... is there anything you can't teach us?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Testing 1,2,3...5,8,11...
If you're reading this, you're wasting your time. This is my initial post & I'm just testing things out. ...Last attempt crashed Firefox!
I've already learned the lesson of saving often :P
Still, my point is there's nothing worth seeing here. There may never be, but there certainly isn't today.
I'm just taking this blog out for a testride. The training wheels are tightly bolted on and I'm just seeing how many I can screw things up so that I learn what not to do.
To paraphrase Nietsche, "what doesn't destroy you, leaves you intact for the next attempt" ;)